The Evolution of Chiropractic in the U.S.



Chiropractic has come a long way since it’s inception in the late 19th century. The profession has faced many attacks and challenges by chiropractors struggling to define the path of chiropractic as well as outsiders who desired to stop chiropractic’s contribution to American healthcare.

The Founding of Chiropractic

Chiropractic began in 1895 when its founder, Daniel David Palmer, claimed the cause of any and all disease could be removed by–and needing nothing more than–his hands. The name given to this new profession became its identity. After all, chiropractic means “done by hand.”

Chiropractic was not an unknown treatment in 1895, and Palmer never claimed to be the first to use chiropractic for the cure of disease. He did claim, however, to be the first to use specific contacts as short-leverage points for making more specific spinal “adjustments.” Harvey Lillard was the name of D.D. Palmer’s first patient, and an adjustment reportedly curing Lillard’s deafness is regarded as the seminal moment for the new profession.

D.D. Palmer established his science, art, and philosophy of chiropractic and started a school called the Palmer School of Chiropractic in 1905. Since then, Palmer has expanded it’s presence to three locations: Davenport, Iowa; Port Orange, Florida and San Jose, California.

SideNote: Dr. Will graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport in 1977 and his son, Dan McCray graduated from the Port Orange location in 2007.

The Beef Between Physician and Chiropractors

For most of its existence, chiropractic has been at odds with mainstream medicine and physicians.

Between 1873 and 1899, each state established statutes to practice medicine. But there were as yet no statutes to practice chiropractic. This put chiropractors at risk of arrest for practicing medicine without a license.

But despite opposition from allopathic medicine, states also began enacting chiropractic licensure statutes in 1905, largely due to the demands for care made by chiropractic patients.

This process of chiropractic licensure in all states was finally completed in 1974. But all the while, licensed or not, chiropractors continued to work as the public demanded. Many chiropractors practicing in states where chiropractic licensure laws were yet to be enacted defiantly opposed the medical statutes they regarded as an infringement of their rights and obligations to serve their patients. Until the 1950s and 1960s, it was not uncommon for chiropractors to be jailed and fined.

As late as 1966, The American Medical Association called chiropractic an “insufficient cult.” The AMA continued to boycott the profession until losing an antitrust case in 1987. The AMA now permits medical doctors to refer patients to doctors of chiropractic for treatment and/or therapy if the medical doctor believes it is in the best interest of the patient.

Chiropractic Today

Today, professional cooperation and mutual appreciation between chiropractic and conventional medicine lie in stark contrast to many years of discord. Cooperation and the collaborative care of patients are now quite common.

Interdisciplinary practices are now becoming more common in a variety of settings, with chiropractors, medical doctors, physical therapists and others working as partners in occupational health, sports medicine teams, and rehabilitation centers.

Contributing Resources:

At McCray Chiropractic and Health Restoration Clinic we care about the mental and physical well-being of each patient. Dr. Will McCray and Dr. Dan McCray offer a variety of services to help you and your family achieve optimal health with chiropractic care, massage, nutritional recommendations, and various therapies. We pride ourselves in making our patients feel welcome and comfortable so they enjoy coming in to visit one of our chiropractic offices. Feeling comfortable is a major component of the healing process and we hope you see that difference at our offices when you come in for your next visit. Visit our website to find out more on how we can help you achieve optimal health today:

5 Simple Tips for a Healthy Winter Season

UWtmjC13907115691. Always keep healthy snacks in arms length – Convenience is key especially when it comes to our food choices. One way to make healthy diet choices is by preparing meals ahead of time. Take a couple hours on Sundays to pre-pack your lunches for the week and not only will you be saving your money but your health too — a smart investment worth making.

Here are a few lunch ideas to try out this week:

  • Chicken Couscous: Prepare grilled chicken slices, pair it with couscous and a side of freshly sliced fruit and veggies.
  • Chicken-Berry Salad: Cook an extra chicken breast and pair it with feta, strawberries, blueberries and sliced almonds over spinach. For an extra flavor boost, drizzle with balsamic vinaigrette.
  • Turkey and Cucumber Sandwich: Pack to a few slices of cooked turkey, cucumber and tomato. Drizzle with spicy or honey mustard. Tip: Bring ingredients and assemble sandwich before eating to keep the bread from getting soggy.

2. Drink Water Throughout the Day: Not only does water keep your body hydrated and flush toxins out of vital organs, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Although we have been told our whole lives to drink at least 8 oz of water daily, “The Institute of Medicine determined that an adequate intake (AI) for men is roughly 3 liters (about 13 cups) of total beverages a day. The AI for women is 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of total beverages a day.”

3. Portion Your Meals Correctly: Ever wonder why they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day? The main reason for this is because it revs up your metabolism so it is ready to work throughout the day. If you have a good, balanced breakfast, you are less likely to choose something high in fat for lunch or dinner to satisfy food cravings. Dinner should be your most light meal of the day since you have less time and energy at the end of the day to burn off the caloric intake. The majority of your calories should be consumed for breakfast, lunch and healthy snacks in the mid-morning and early afternoon. Anything you eat after 4 PM should be light like a soup and sandwich. Try to completely avoid eating any complex carbs after 6 PM.

4. Get Moving: Something is better than nothing! You do not need a lot of complicated exercise equipment to get in a proper cardiovascular workout. Whether you take a moderate 30-minute walk or do two segments of 10-15 minute aerobic exercises (dancing, jump roping, yoga, etc), getting your muscles moving and your heart pumping on a daily basis with a heart-healthy exercise is a sure way to keep the extra pounds off and de-stress at the same time.

5. Get Plenty of Sleep: It make perfect sense. If you are running on low energy from lack of a good night’s rest, you are more likely to grab an extra coffee, pick up a sugary donut or resort to other comfort foods for a quick shot of energy. If you are getting less than 7.5 hours of quality sleep per night, your waistline will pay. According to WebMD, not only will you eat more, but your metabolism will work at a slower rate when you are sleep-deprived.

Making simple, healthy changes in your daily lifestyle can lead to significant benefits for your physical and mental well-being. For more health tips and nutritional recommendations visit Dr. Will or Dr. Dan at McCray Chiropractic Health Restoration Clinic. We take pride in helping our patients lead an exceptionally nutritious and healthy lifestyle.

Call today to book a free consultation: (304)-262-0700

Drinking to Your Health: The Top 3 Beverages To Benefit Your Health in 2014


#1 – Water: There are plenty of reasons why water should be everyone’s go-to beverage. Having about 8 8-ounce glasses a day will keep you hydrated throughout the day, aid in your body’s digestion process, and help the absorption of necessary vitamins. Make water a daily habit to keep your body running optimally.

TIP: Add an extra flavor kick to your H2O by adding wedges of lemon or lime, slices of cucumber or fresh mint leaves.

#2 – Green Tea: The discovery of health benefits found in green tea throughout the years has been tremendous. Green tea’s natural antioxidants offers a range of health benefits to its drinkers, including aiding with indigestion and cavity prevention as well as helping to prevent more serious problems such as heart disease, osteoporosis and even cancer. According to a new study released by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, “Natural compounds called polyphenols in green tea might protect against several cancers, including those of the prostate, GI tract, lungs, breast, and skin.”

TIP: Add a spoonful of honey to your tea as a tasty sweetener.

#3 – Vegetable Juice: It might be that time to invest in a good juicer, if you haven’t already. Drinking your vegetables is a sure and easy way to get the vitamins and minerals needed to keep you healthy. You will instantly feel and see the benefits of having raw veggie juice a few times a week. Not only will it reduce inflammation, cleanse the body, and regulate the bowels, it will also help you loose those extra pounds.

TIP: Try avoiding any bottled type of vegetable or fruit juice. They tend to be high in sodium and sugar.

At McCray Chiropractic and Health Restoration Clinic we care about the mental and physical well-being of each patient. Dr. Will McCray and Dr. Dan McCray offer a variety of services to help you and your family achieve optimal health with chiropractic care, massage, nutritional recommendations, and various therapies. We pride ourselves in making our patients feel welcome and comfortable so they enjoy coming in to visit one of our chiropractic offices. Feeling comfortable is a major component of the healing process and we hope you see that difference at our offices when you come in for your next visit. Visit our website to find out more on how we can help you achieve optimal health today:

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5 Accommodating Holiday Health Tips From Us to You


McCarren Park – Brooklyn, New York 12/10/2013
Taken by Rachel McCray

Let’s face it. It’s cold outside so most people are in hibernation mode, avoiding any contact with the outside world until the winter months pass. At McCray Chiropractic and Health Restoration Clinic, we recognize the hurdles that many face as they struggle to maintain a regular exercise routine during the winter. Here are some quick tips to help you stay active in the cold weather.

 1. Create Your Own Holiday Fitness Wish List: List some areas of your body you would like to improve or tone, set workout goals for those areas and make it a priority to commit to these exercise habits. For myself, I would like to tone up my abdominal area so I commit myself to 200 sit-ups per night for 5 days a week. No exceptions.

2. Exercise at Home: Create a home workout routine for those days you can’t make it to the gym. There a lot of great exercises you can do without gym equipment in the comfort of your own home. I like to mix my routine up with a combination of sit-ups, jumping jacks, push-ups, planks, lunges and of course stretching.

3. Combine Exercise with Family Commitments: Try mixing quality family time with fun physical activity. Take the kids sledding, build a snowman, go ice-skating, or even go for a walk around the neighborhood and check out the holiday decorations.

4. Be More Health Conscious: Making mindful decisions to be more active with your daily routine will pay off whether you notice it or not.. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car further away from your building, make a few more rounds while shopping, volunteer to run errands for others. Little things like this can make a bigger difference than you may realize.

5. Interactive Video Games: Get the whole family together for a fun night of virtual gaming.  Check out some of the latest dance games and you will have the whole family laughing and playing together in no time. Your family will be so distracted with the fun; they won’t even realize they will be getting healthy in the process.

At McCray Chiropractic and Health Restoration Clinic we care about the mental and physical well-being of each patient. Dr. Will McCray and Dr. Dan McCray offer a variety of services to help you and your family achieve optimal health with chiropractic care, massage, nutritional recommendations, and various therapies. We pride ourselves in making our patients feel welcome and comfortable so they enjoy coming in to visit one of our chiropractic offices. Feeling comfortable is a major component of the healing process and we hope you see that difference at our offices when you come in for your next visit. Visit our website to find out more on how we can help you achieve optimal health today:

Tips for a Physically and Emotionally Healthy Holiday Season


Spend More Time With the Ones You Love

The holidays are a time for loved ones to get together and make special memories. Family dinners, parties, spiritual or religious traditions and, of course, taking holiday family pictures are just a few ways we will be making new memories this year. Reflect on the time you get to share with your friends and family. Focus on feelings of gratitude and joy for yourself and your positivity will encourage others to feel the same. Remember, happiness is contagious.

 Keep it Simple

The holidays can get hectic in more ways than one. This makes it super easy to get stressed over the small things that really will not matter in the grand scheme of things. Try to keep things as simple as possible this holiday season. Try to do most of your shopping online (Cyber Monday 12/02/13), host a potluck dinner and have each guest bring a dish or beverage item, dedicate a day to yourself and go to the spa, take a walk or read and enjoyable book.

Watch a Festive Flick With the Family

Remember the holiday movies you would watch as a kid? Share these with your kids or friends this season and let the television do part of the entertaining. Here are some great classics you can’t go wrong with: A Christmas Story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, It’s a Charlie Brown Christmas, It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Carol,  Elf, Christmas Vacation and Home Alone.

 Sneak in a Holiday Workout

It is very easy to get thrown off of your workout regimen amongst all of the holiday travel. Keeping your body in motion not only keeps you in good physical shape but your mental health will also benefit. According to the Mental Health Foundation, “Regular exercise can also boost your self-esteem and help you concentrate, sleep, look and feel better.” So next time you are at the airport, take a walk through the terminal while waiting on your flight. Keep a jump rope handy for quick cardio workouts wherever you are. Try incorporating physical activity into annual family traditions like building a snowman or ice-skating with the family. Whatever you do, never forget to always keep a comfortable pair of walking shoes on you at all times!


At McCray Chiropractic and Health Restoration Clinic we care about the mental and physical well-being of each patient. Dr. Will McCray and Dr. Dan McCray offer a variety of services to help you and your family achieve optimal health with chiropractic care, massage, nutritional recommendations, and various therapies. We pride ourselves in making our patients feel welcomed and comfortable so they enjoy coming in to visit one of our chiropractic offices. Feeling comfortable is a major component of the healing process and we hope you see that difference at our offices when you come in for your next visit. Visit our website to find out more on how we can help you achieve optimal health today:

Chiropractic Cuts Blood Pressure

Love this: “We are not doctors. We are spinal engineers. We use mathematics, geometry, and physics to learn how to slide everything back into place.”

Dr. Alain Corps

heartA special chiropractic adjustment can significantly lower high blood pressure, a placebo-controlled study suggests.

“This procedure has the effect of not one, but two blood-pressure medications given in combination,” study leader George Bakris, MD, tells WebMD. “And it seems to be adverse-event free. We saw no side effects and no problems,” adds Bakris, director of the University of Chicago hypertension center.

Eight weeks after undergoing the procedure, 25 patients with early-stage high blood pressure had significantly lower blood pressure than 25 similar patients who underwent a sham chiropractic adjustment. Because patients can’t feel the technique, they were unable to tell which group they were in.

X-rays showed that the procedure realigned the Atlas vertebra — the doughnut-like bone at the very top of the spine — with the spine in the treated patients, but not in the sham-treated patients.

Compared to the sham-treated patients, those who got the real procedure…

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MCHRC’s Happy Baby Testimonial for November 2013

MCHRC’s Happy Baby Testimonial for November 2013

McCray Chiropractic Health & Restoration Clinic is proud to recognize Clementine Rae as November’s “Happy Baby Testimonial.” Submit your happy baby pictures to for consideration of next month’s contest and a chance for you to win a complimentary massage.