MCHRC Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

We are happy to report that we are making big strides at MCHRC.

A big THANK YOU to Martinsburg Mayor George Karos and everyone else who attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony! Huge success!


Join in on the fun this weekend at our Grand Re-Opening Ceremony !

McCray Chiropractic and Health Restoration Clinic Grand Re-Opening

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McCray Chiropractic and Health Restoration Clinic Grand Re-Opening

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013

When: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Where: 400 Foxcroft Ave. Parking Lot

Martinsburg, WV 25401

Enjoy a Fun-Filled Afternoon!




Grand Opening Flyer (New)

Questions/Inquiries: CALL (304) 262-0700

Don’t Let the Government Shutdown Delay Your Fitness Routine! Here’s 5 Quick and Easy Tips to Keep Up Your Fitness

Healthy Life next exit

Healthy Life = Happy Life

Creating and achieving personal fitness goals can be especially difficult for those with busy work schedules and various personal obligations. Sometimes however, the smallest decisions we make on a daily basis can produce the biggest difference in the outcome of our entire well-being. Here are five quick and easy tips to for creating a healthier daily lifestyle:

  1. Allocate a set amount of time each day for exercise. Plan how many days of the week you will exercise and for how long. Treat these appointments very seriously and be sure to re-schedule a session if you must skip one! Continue to set higher goals for yourself as the weeks progress.
  2. Make Smart Small decisions. Take the stairs, walk in place between commercials, do leg raises and do some simple weight training exercises when sitting on the couch. There is always time to squeeze in a little stretching also. These little decisions can yield significant health benefits.
  3. Surround Yourself with People who Support Your Efforts. Make friends who are going to motivate you mentally and physically. If your existing friends have no desire to join your fitness routine, try making new friends at your local fitness center, in online meet-up groups or even on your daily walking route.
  4. Make Healthier Snack Choices. Pass on the vending machines snacks or break room treats. I think we all enjoy a free donut or two especially if we’ve skipped breakfast before work. So be sure to fill up with a well-portioned, healthy breakfast before leaving home for a long work day. Pack  plenty of fresh fruit and veggies to snack on throughout the day, guilt-free!
  5. Remember to Reward Yourself. We can be a little hard on ourselves from time to time so it is important to recognize your achievements from time to time with a treat of some kind. Instead of rewarding your good health achievements with a calorie-filled pastry or other sugary snack, treat yourself to a spa treatment, a good movie or one of our relaxing massages. 

Whatever you do, do not give up on your fitness goals if you miss a workout or go on a night of binge eating. Give up on the workout-skipping blues and remember that persistence is key to getting what you want.

Treating Our Body Right: Treatment Vs. Preventative Treatment

Treatment of a disease, illness, or structural imbalance after it occurs is tricky and can take a lot more of a time, energy and financial investment than we may desire. Preventative treatment is often overlooked but is really needed in … Continue reading

5 Easy Foods To Enhance Your Daily Lifestyle


Add more raw foods to your diet and you will be surprised with the difference it will make in how you look, feel and perform in your daily routine. Here’s a list of 5 raw foods you can incorporate into your diet that will have you feeling energized and refreshed:

  1.  Apples: Apples contain an insane amount of soluble fiber and immune-boosting Vitamin C and Vitamin A. An apple a day is an easy way to satisfy hunger, lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar, and keep your skin in great shape. Try replacing the sugary breakfast cereal with an apple and just feel the (guilt-free) difference!
  2. Spinach Leaves: Try to avoid iceberg lettuce, which contains mostly water and little nutritional value, and go with spinach leaves instead next time. Spinach leaves contains Vitamin K, Vitamin A and plenty of calcium and iron to keep you pumped like Popeye all the day long!
  3. Blueberries: Contain more antioxidants than any other fruit or vegetable. They are a natural brain food that strengthens your immune system and is very heart healthy. Best part? They are super convenient and you can never have too many.
  4. Almonds: Natural, unsalted almonds contain high levels of Vitamin B6, magnesium and healthy unsaturated fats that are very essential to the body. They can reduce the rick of blood clots, improve the healthy lining of your arteries and even help lower the LDL cholesterol level in the blood. Just a handful a day helps to prevent weight gain and promotes good heart health.              
  5. Dark Chocolate: Cocoa is very high in antioxidant content which helps fight the damaging effects of stress on the cells inside the body. Cocoa also helps trigger the brain production of neurotransmitters, sulfur and magnesium, which produces a natural ‘good’ feeling and works naturally to alleviate stress. BOOM! POW! Depression doesn’t stand a chance against chocolate! 

For more health tips and nutritional recommendations visit Dr. Will or Dr. Dan at McCray Chiropractic Health Restoration Clinic. We take pride in helping our patients lead an exceptionally nutritious and healthy lifestyle.